About this Registry

The diversity of scientometric data sources is large – and new ones are constantly being published, existing ones are changing, and others are being switched off. It is almost impossible to maintain a complete overview. In response we are collecting and describing several data sources for scientometric information in this registry.

This registry is a product of the project "Reference implementation for Scientometric Information" (ROSI) funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The project is located at the Open Science Lab of the Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology (TIB).

More information about the project ROSI:

The Team


If you miss data sources or would like to give feedback on the descriptions of the existing ones, please send us an email to rosi.project(at)tib.eu.


This registry is based on a javascript web application. Find the code at GitHub.

Metadata Schema

The data sources in this registry can be described by the following metadata fields (* marks mandatory fields). See also the corresponding schema file.

